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Five Surprisingly Easy Ways to Take Care of Yourself

The hustle and bustle of life often finds us spending more time on everything else but ourselves. We spend eight hours working and an average of 26 minutes commuting. Those who are caretakers for others lose even more of their free time. There are many stresses in life that could cause us to feel overwhelmed and out of touch with what we want. We’re always in survival mode, which makes us stop caring for ourselves.


Below are five basic, but overlooked self-care practices to take care of your mental health and calm your mind, body and spirit.




Sleep is the top thing that we all need but don’t get enough of. The Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, but ask yourself how often this happens. Maybe on the weekends. Maybe during vacation. Maybe never. Your kids are probably sleeping through the night while you’re waking up early to make breakfast and pack their lunches.


Getting enough sleep is easier said than done. We’re simply too busy to rest and this can be a problem. The solution is to go to bed earlier. Keep your phone charged in another room so that you’re not looking at blue light before bedtime or waking up to chimes from cell phone notifications. Give yourself time without electronics before you hit the pillow. You can use blue light glasses or put your screen on dim mode at night. Meditate before bed or read a printed book. Avoid eating or drinking too much water at night. Digestion could keep you awake, as will bathroom breaks in the middle of the night.




Relaxation is such a subjective activity. How does one relax? It depends on what’s relaxing to you. It could be lounging by a pool, going to a spa for a massage, watching a sunset, writing poetry, painting, listening to ASMR recordings or getting lost in a playlist on Spotify. Do whatever reduces stress and feels relaxing to you.




This might be a hard one for those of you who are already too busy to sleep. Exercise doesn’t have to require getting up an hour earlier each day. You can exercise in the evening after work while dinner is in the oven, go for a walk with the family after dinner to maximize bonding time, or do simple exercises at your desk during breaks. Just keep moving and get your endorphins running.


Have Fun


Having fun can go hand in hand with relaxation and exercise. What’s fun to you could also be relaxing or get your heart pumping. Take vacations, spend time with friends, go to the movies, start a new hobby, take that pottery class that you’ve always wanted to take, learn to cook, try rock climbing, go hiking. There’s no shortage of fun activities that will make your life feel fulfilled.


Saying ‘No’


One of the most empowering things you can do for yourself is to say “no.” Have you ever been invited to something you really didn’t want to do, but you went anyway because you felt bad for saying no? Many people are afraid to say no, so they end up being unhappy or feeling like their time is wasted. Take a stand for yourself by not agreeing to things that don’t work for you. It could be saying no to something you don’t want to do. It could be standing up for yourself when your worth is not being recognized. It could be saying no to drugs and alcohol.


Those in addiction recovery should consider aforementioned activities to take care of their mental health. Pick up a new hobby or practice meditation and yoga. Do anything healthy and positive that will contribute to your recovery.


Self-care is the DIY way to take care of your mental health. You don’t have to rush through life. You don’t have to only do things that cause you stress or trigger your bad habits. You don’t have to always be productive. You can slow down and enjoy things in a healthy way. Life has so much to offer if you’re willing to let it.



Photo Credit: Unsplash


Written By Brad Krause
19 July 2018
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