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Digestive Aid

Digestive Disorders/Digestive Aids

Poor digestion, actual digestive disorders can play a significant role in recurrent bloating. Some examples are discussed below:-

Irritable Bowel Syndrome:  IBS involves the colon being held in spasm. The four main symptoms are bloating, stomach pain, excessive wind and altered bowel habits (diarrhoea may alternate with constipation and the condition is often accompanied with the sensation that the bowel is incompletely emptied). Discomfort is usually relieved on passing stool or wind. IBS is often linked to emotional factors (such as stress) rather than allergies / intolerances (although it is thought that cow's milk and antigens in beef can precipitate the condition), with around one-third of cases being linked to diet. Women are more susceptible than men.

Bowel disease: Bloating is one of the symptoms of an inflamed bowel, which can be caused by a wide range of conditions, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as severe food sensitivity (as seen with coeliac disease, for example - an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten intake).

Chronic constipation: Constipation can have a number of underlying causes, but if food is only partially digested (for instance because of a lack of digestive enzymes) and that food reaches the colon, it can putrefy and ferment. The problem is compounded if there is a lack of fibre and water in the diet. The longer food sits in the bowel, the longer gas-forming bacteria have to work, leading to bloating.



Stop bloating!

So, if you suspect that any of the above could be contributing factors to your bloating, how can you beat the bloat?

Well, a diet packed with natural whole foods (such as raw fruit and vegetables, rich in enzymes); quality dietary fibre; fermented foods (rich in probiotics); low in saturated fats, additives, preservatives, salt and sugar; and with plenty of pure water, is a great start!

Combine this type of well-balanced diet with regular exercise and you have one of the best ways to keep your digestive system healthy, regular and efficient, and therefore to beat the bloat.

You can also help to ensure healthy bowel function by:

- eating slowly and chewing well (to avoid fermentation, gas formation and therefore bloating)

- eating only when calm and relaxed (to encourage the secretion of digestive enzymes)

- supplementing your diet, as required, with high-strength, multi-strain probiotics , digestive enzymes and dietary fibre.

If you suspect that years of poor diet have resulted in a sluggish bowel or 'hidden' constipation (where, despite daily bowel motions, waste-matter actually sits in the colon for several days before elimination), a colon cleanse or full body detox may also be of benefit.

All the long-established dietary and nutritional therapies used down the ages recognise the benefit of regularly cleansing the system, starting with the colon. This can help to rid your body of accumulated toxins and therefore reduce the likelihood of bloating.

Always try and eat fresh fruits and vegetables to improve digestion and reduce bloating .If this is not possible for any reason. You can always supplement with the most natural ingredients possible.

Health All Ways


Written By Andrew Smith
17 September 2016
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